Maximize benefits & Save Money



  • Not all equipment is created equal, no zip up HBOT at ATXHyperbarics
  • Save thousands compared to other Medical Grade options such as hospitals
  • The Protocol Consistency & Frequency are critical when beginning treatment
  • Maintenance phase  Complete Protocol and drastically reduce hours needed to maintain benefits
  • Package & Membership Enjoy Big Discounts on HBOT & PhotoBioModulation (Light Therapy), Light And Air, they work great together!

Principles of

Oxygen Therapy

Cellular Fitness

Increase the effectiveness of cellular respiration by providing the mitochondria more fuel to produce ATP energy. Oxygen helps the cell do its job, creating many down stream benefits.

Stem Cell Migration

By placing the body in a pressurized state for a prolonged period of time, research has shown a proliferation of stem cells present on site of injury or damaged tissue, as well as systemically. 

Oxygen Saturation

Having optimal levels of Oxygen in the body carries with it many benefits such as improved sleep, immunity, recovery and prevention of numerous conditions caused by deficiencies. 

Gene Activation 

Within us there are thousands of genes tasked with  all sorts of different responsibilties. Many of these genes respond to enironmental conditions, by changing our state we change the activated genes within. 

Coming Prepared

Three Easy Forms And You’re Ready

Patient Profile Form

Just Some Basic Information On You And How You Heard About Us and Oxygen Therapy, Should Take Less Than 1 Minute To Fill Out, Thanks!

Physician Statement

Please Share With Your Practitioner By Sending Them Form Link Or Website. This Form Can Also Be Printed Out and Emailed / Faxed

HBOT Consent Form

Your Standard Liability Form Please Review, Sign And Submit. This Can Also Be Done When You Arrive Only Takes A Few Moments.

Need Help Getting A Prescription ?

ATXHyperbarics makes it quick and easy to get a prescription just give us a call, text, email or drop us a contact form. Our partner clinic West Lake Medical Arts is located in same center as ATXHyperbarics in both our West Lake Hills and Round Rock clinics so we can get you scheduled and in a chamber hassle free. 

Known treatment conditions 

What Can HBOT Do For You?

FDA Recongized Conditions for Hyperbaric Treatment

Additional Treatment Conditions Not Yet Recognized By FDA



7:00 AM - 8:30 PM

Find Out about PhotoBioModulation

Full Body Light Therapy

Natural Beauty

Increase you body’s natural Collagen production by more than 200%+! Erase wrinkles, tighten skin and look radiant.

Super Charge Cells

Significantly increase the ATP produced by the Mitochondria in your cells.

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